UMass Boston



Why see an Academic Advisor?

  • obtain advice to plan your academic study course

  • create an individualized academic plan that aligns with your career path

  • discuss your learning system and find resources to support your academic goals

  • make sure your academic record is accurate and complete

  • keep you on the path to graduation

  • help you navigate the processes of the university

  • obtain information to assist you in looking for an internship, research placement, study-travel opportunity, etc.

  • identify resources to plan for further professional development, graduate studies, or direct entry into the workforce after graduation.

For general information or inquiries, email us at

We will be conducting advising appointments virtually every Monday through Friday and in-person every Monday through Thursday. Virtual advising appointments will be conducted via Zoom and in-person appointments in the Office of Student Success and Engagement on the 2nd floor of the Quinn Building.  Use the “schedule an appointment” link to meet with your academic advisor.

During add/drop (September 7th-September 14th), an Academic Advisor will be available on a walk-in basis Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. in the Quinn Building on the 2nd floor. You can also still make an appointment for a virtual or in-person meeting during this time.

If you book a virtual appointment, then you will be automatically emailed the Zoom link. You will not be able to switch a virtual appointment to in-person unless you cancel your appointment and book a new one. If you schedule an in-person appointment and you need to change it to a virtual appointment, then you must email your advisor as soon as possible so that they can send you the Zoom link. 

Academic Advisors Programs Appointments

Jessica Beaton

Accelerated Nursing

RN-BS (Post-Licensure Bachelor's)

Schedule an appointment
Danielle Foley

Exercise & Health Sciences (EHS)

(Student last names from A-K)

Schedule an appointment (Virtual)

Schedule an IN-PERSON appointment

Luceta Small

Exercise & Health Sciences (EHS)

(Student last names from L-Z)

Schedule an appointment (Virtual)

Schedule an IN-PERSON appointment

Beth Partridge

Traditional Nursing  

(Student last names from A-L)

Schedule an appointment (Virtual)

Schedule an IN-PERSON appointment

David Biggs

Traditional Nursing

(Student last names from M-Z)

Schedule an appointment (Virtual)

Schedule an IN-PERSON appointment

Fotini Karabinas

Urban Public Health

Schedule an appointment (Virtual)

Schedule an IN-PERSON appointment

Qian Song

Aging Studies

Please email